Make Your Home The Smartest Home On The Block!
Have you seen all the new SMART home products that are available these days? The SMART door locks, the SMART home lights, cameras, and thermostats? They all operate using Z-Wave. It’s kind of like Bluetooth for your house. If you have a Z-Wave enabled security system with water sensors attached, the Leak Gopher Z-Wave Valve Control can easily be added as a new device and your Z-Wave Controller programmed to automatically turn the water off when leaks are detected by any of the water sensors.
Since your Leak Gopher Starter Kit comes with a Z-Wave Controller, it opens your home to the world of SMART home technology, and it will make your home the smartest home on the block! Don’t leave your home unprotected against water damage. Order your Leak Gopher Starter Kit today and give your home the protection it deserves.
Leak Gopher
Valve Control
Leak Gopher
Shut-Off Valve
Leak Gopher
Water Sensors
Z-Wave Controller
With the Leak Gopher Z-Wave Controller powered by Homeseer, you can even use the Homeseer app to control ALL your new SMART home technology, including your Leak Gopher Water Valve. Going on vacation? Simply turn off your water via the Homeseer app until you get back. Want to water your flowers? Press a button on the Homeseer app and water away. When you are finished simply press a button to turn the water off.
Now that’s one SMART Gopher! Simply the most advance system for Leak detection and response.
Plumber Installs The Leak Gopher Valve On Your Incoming Water Line
Plumber Installs The Leak Gopher Valve On Your Incoming Water Line
Leak Gopher Valve Controller Is Mounted and Connected to the Leak Gopher Valve
Leak Gopher Valve Controller Is Mounted and Connected to the Leak Gopher Valve
Leak Gopher Water Sensors Are Easily Linked to the Leak Gopher Valve Controller with the Push of a Button and Placed Anywhere You Want to Monitor for Water
Leak Gopher Water Sensors Are Easily Linked to the Leak Gopher Valve Controller with the Push of a Button and Placed Anywhere You Want to Monitor for Water